Posts in Short Story

Amber Burke

We rise from the earth toward each other, aching with desire. What is allowed? The tentativeness of first touches. Tell me what you want. I take your hand and place it. My young body. Your young body. The dew on us gleaming. Inviting, teasing.

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Short StoryJason Norman
Pareidolia, In Toast

Jacqueline Parker

Months after my mother’s death, years after cancer began the long, slow mastication of her body, she’s resurrected in my toast. Golden brown and singed, she appears without warning as I’m about bite the border of her crusty skull. 

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Short StoryJason Norman
Rains In Dubai

Mandira Pattnaik

In the time it’d take to call you, the rains start pouring in Dubai. The TV screen turns black then blue then resumes telecast. Somebody says, “Historic event! Not comparable to anything documented since the start of data collection in 1949 – and that was before the UAE was established in 1971.” They cut to scenes of several layers of dark clouds, like the way it was dark under the blanket you and I pulled over our heads to escape Mamma’s beating.

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Short StoryJason Norman
Collision Course

Abbie Doll

I confess, you rarely speak with confidence. You reply, I know. I’m terrified of traffic jams, the resulting pileups. But we all know how eloquent you can be and often are. With great eloquence comes great responsibility, you tell me, not spoiling a single syllable, not spilling an ounce of the ruby hibiscus tea you hold in your grasp.

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Short StoryJason Norman
World's Booziest Rum Balls

Luke Larkin

I know what you're thinking: But it's the middle of summer! Rum balls are a holiday thing! And that's exactly what makes these suckers so special. They just never see ‘em coming. I whipped up a trayload for my brother's Fourth of July barbecue last year and nearly got the sister in law blackout.

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Tim Hanson

“Mr. K?” I hear a child’s muffled voice say. It sounds like it’s coming from the closet. I

look around to see if everyone is here. Where’s Devin? There he is, in his seat for a change. All

present. “Where do we stop?” the voice persists.”

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Short StoryJeremy Bibaud
A Night at Big Oaks

Chris DeWitt

A hunter green Oldsmobile made its way east on slick state highways across the Texas-Louisiana line. At 15, Billy could’ve driven himself, if Dad was in a fine mood and let him borrow the family car. But his band’s first show called for a family affair.

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Short StoryJeremy Bibaud