Funicular Infinite
Funicular Infinite
Automatically renews, cancel anytime
15% less than cover price
Charged every four months from your signup date
Issue 16 released February 27, 2025. Orders placed before June 20, 2025, will receive Issue 16 as their first issue. Orders placed after this date will receive Issue 17 as their first issue.
We’ve gone and done it. No more having to remember to renew your subscription. No more being locked into a full year or more. We’re giving you the ultimate flexibility by offering Funicular Infinite.
Automatically renews, cancel anytime
15% less than cover price
Charged every four months from your signup date
Magazine Details
This is a 6x9, perfect-bound magazine filled with new and established writers from Canada and around the world. We don’t want to brag, but not only do we publish the best fiction and poetry, but the magazine just feels good in your hands. It’s something about the texture on the cover. It’s kind of magical.
Canada: $4.50 CAD
USA: $12.00 CAD
International $10.00 CAD
All sales are final until we’re able to get our hands on a memory wipe.