Clayton Longstaff
That life is but the dream
half remembered,
half made up,
never entirely certain to whom
(or is it to who?)
the question of belonging belongs.
In addition to our print magazine, we publish incredible writers on our site. Knock yourself out.
That life is but the dream
half remembered,
half made up,
never entirely certain to whom
(or is it to who?)
the question of belonging belongs.
Pink moon chattering brightly
draws me out of hiding,
using the same gentle trick she pulls on the tides.
Pink moon chattering brightly
draws me out of hiding,
using the same gentle trick she pulls on the tides.
She is daydreaming again, soft things that will never be put to good use–
sunlight and coffee rings and work that won’t get done.
She wishes she had more answers and less time, was better at making choices,
understood what her choices even were.
At about this age, their hearts were halved like
an elephant's divided eyes of which one was
in the sitting room
my girlfriend drinks wine
and talks with her friends
about marriage.
ward off the seize and strangle of an existential crisis
by getting some fresh air