Subscribe Once. Forever.
We’ve gone and done it. No more having to remember to renew your subscription. No more being locked into a full year or more. We’re giving you the ultimate flexibility by offering Funicular Infinite.
Our subscription automatically renews each issue, you can cancel at any time, and costs $2 less than the cover price.
We’re bringing the future to you. Well, we’re bringing the present to you, really, but by magazine standards we’re BRINGING THE FUTURE.
Introducing Funicular Infinite
The name is ridiculous, but Jason really likes it so I’ll work with it. Starting today, if you buy a subscription from Funicular, you’ll pay for one issue at a time and you’ll never have to worry about renewing your subscription. You can cancel at any time.
Rather than paying for three issues in one lump sum, you’ll only pay for each issue when they’re ready to ship. That’s $10 + shipping about every four months, which is $2 less than buying them individually.
How Does It Work?
Go to our Shop.
Add the Funicular Infinite subscription to your cart.
Checkout like normal.
The only difference? You’ll be prompted at the end to create a password. This creates your account (super simple, promise). Keeping an account will allow you to log in whenever you want to manage your subscription. Do you like the magazine? Well, you never have to login. Just sit back and let the issues roll in. Tired of the magazine? Doubt it, but if so, log in and stop your subscription at any time.
You’ll receive emails when we ship your magazine and they’ll arrive like a normal subscription.
In 2077, you’ll read Funicular like this.
Why ARE WE BringING the FuTURE?
Why? Because here’s the thing with magazines in 2020–they’re annoying.
Reason 1
You subscribe and you’re locked in for a year or more. What if your tastes change? What if the magazine goes in a direction that doesn’t interest you? Too bad. That stack of unread paper will just keep piling up. It’s not customer-friendly. It’s wasteful and unsustainable. Annoying.
Reason 2
You subscribed and you love the magazine but your subscription runs out and you keep forgetting to renew because, really, you have better things to do. Annoying.
Reason 3
We don’t like sending emails reminding people their subscription needs to be renewed. It’s time-consuming and awkward. Annoying.
The whole model just doesn’t work. Not for you and not for us. Let’s make it easy. Netflix-easy. We’re putting the control in your hands. Subscribe once. Forever.
What if I already subscribed the old way?
Not a problem. Nothing will change. You’ll still get all the issues remaining in your subscription. When your subscription ends, you’ll receive a friendly email from us asking you to renew and join us in the INFINITE FUTURE.
What About My DATA Security?
This is something we take seriously, which is why we aren’t handling these transactions ourselves. All transactions are handled by Stripe, the same checkout tool used by companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and a ton of others. They make the process easy, safe, and allow us to accept more payment methods.
If we failed to cover anything in this post, please do reach out to us. We like getting questions and we’d love to talk more about this.